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Compliance Conversations

The Association of Dealership Compliance Officers provides a weekly webniar of resources, contacts, and connections. If you can't make the live meeting, the recording will be provided.

Conversations with a Dealership Compliance Director

Matt Woods & Lori Church Jun 17, 2022 | Duration: 44:03

Join Matt Woods as he talks with Director of Compliance Lori Church about real-world compliance issues.

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Chargebacks & Closing the Compliance Loop

Randy & Shannon Aug 30, 2021 | Duration: 1:01:19

Join Randy Henrick and Shannon Robertson for this insightful and important information.

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Truth and Lending Act for Dealerships

Terry O'Laughlin & Nikki Munro Jul 28, 2021 | Duration: 45:16

The truth and lending act is an important piece of the process to get right.

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GLBA, Dealer Fraud, and The Privacy Act

Judy, Randy, John, & Doug Jul 22, 2021 | Duration: 54:35

Dealerships could greatly benefit from this info by Judy Vann, Randy Henrick, FBI John, and Doug Fusco.

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It's Never Too Late For Compliance

Steve Levine & Randy Henrick Jun 30, 2021 | Duration: 49:00

Join respected Compliance Professionals Steve Levine & Randy Henrick in this discussion.

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How To Protect Your Dealership

Bob Harkins Sep 09, 2020 | Duration: 37:44

Randy Henrick sits down with Bob Harkins to talk about some great ways to protect your dealership.

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How To Survive An OSHA Audit

Brian Boase Jun 30, 2020 | Duration: 38:58

Brian Boase joins Adam Crowell from ComplyNet to discuss the steps to surviving an OSHA Audit.

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What Dealers Should Know About Security

John Iannarelli (FBI John) Jun 09, 2020 | Duration: 51:32

Judy Vann Karstadt interviews former FBI Agent John Iannarelli (FBI John) about the cyber security for dealerships.

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What Should Be In A Deal Jacket

EJ Shelby Jun 02, 2020 | Duration: 46:36

Matt Woods interviews EJ Shelby from ComplyNet on what should be in the dealership deal jacket.

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