Protect Your Dealership
DealerAide NPI Solutions provides everything dealers need to implement an Information Security Program (ISP), as mandated by the revised Safeguards Rule, and an Identity Theft Prevention Program (ITPP), mandated by the Red Flags Rule.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires franchised automobile dealers to implement a written, dealer-specific Information Security Program (ISP) under the direction of an appointed Corporate Compliance Officer and update their program periodically. DealerAide includes the latest revised Safeguards Rule requirements that must be in effect June 9, 2023.
The Federal Trade Commission requires franchised automobile dealers to implement a written Identity Theft Prevention Program (ITPP) under the direction of an appointed Corporate Compliance Officer and update their program periodically.
One-on-one support until programs - tailored to your specific operation - are installed!
One binder per roof top with written program for Safeguards, Red Flags and Disposal Rule programs...
DealerAide NPI Solutions provides modifiable policy, role description and auditing templates, plus a handbook with step-by-step implementation instructions to guide the Corporate Compliance Officer in installing the dealership ISP and ITPP.
A virtual orientation with the Corporate Compliance Officer will cover regulation requirements and introduce the risk assessment checklist, policy development template, management/employee training and monitoring.
Forms and resources for ongoing maintenance are available to download and customize at no additional cost. Discounts available for ADCO members and multiple rooftops.
Join us for our next important conference you won't want to miss.
In addition, the noncompliant dealer may be open to civil action initiated by individuals whose NPI has been compromised. The negative press stemming from the fraudulent use of NPI impacts floor traffic and consumer trust.